Most Important Reasons For A Root Canal Treatment

How do I know if my tooth pain is due to a decayed tooth?

Tooth pain due to a decayed tooth is a terrible experience. You suffer sharp pain around the tooth, foul taste in the mouth, gum swelling, fever, and headache affecting sleep and other activities. Bacteria in the mouth cause tooth decay. If you have Teeth pain as you bite into food, please consult a dentist nearby immediately. If it is a deep dental caries involving the pulp of the tooth, your dentist might advise a Root Canal Treatment To save the tooth.

What is root canal treatment?

Root Canal treatment

Root canal treatment involves the removal of tooth pulp and nerve, then filling and sealing the pulp chamber to prevent bacterial infection. It removes the infection from within the tooth. If not done, dental abscesses or pus-filled pockets lead to bone infection and tooth loss. Tooth pain is a sign that you need root canal treatment.

Toothache: Causes and symptoms

Tooth pain is caused by inflammation of the tooth pulp due to tooth decay, dental cavities, trauma, or tooth injury. Nerve endings in the pulp are sensitive to pain. You suffer pain while chewing, sensitivity to hot or cold foods, swelling around a tooth, and bleeding gums.

Damaged tooth pulp breaks down and bacteria multiply in the pulp chamber. A pus-filled pocket forms at the end of the tooth root. Infection of the root canal causes swelling of the face, bone loss, and holes through the sides of the tooth. Root canal treatment relieves tooth pain, restoring teeth to full function, just like natural teeth

Root Canal Treatment may be advised in the following situations

Cracked Teeth:

A cracked tooth or a deep cavity means bacteria enter the tooth pulp. They penetrate through tooth root openings, infecting the bone, and weakening it. Ligaments around teeth swell and your tooth comes to lose. Root canal treatment is done for cracks that extend into tooth pulp. This protects your tooth from further infection.

Tooth sensitivity:

Bacteria destroy the tooth pulp causing sensitivity and pain while chewing. Sensitivity is like a dull ache with pain lingering for a long time. You could opt for a tooth extraction to reduce pain, but removing a tooth makes surrounding teeth move into the vacant space. This affects bite and results in crooked teeth. Root canal treatment saves your tooth and nothing’s better than natural teeth.

Fractured tooth:

Root canal treatment restores fractured teeth. Tooth fracture may extend deep into the tooth and reach the tooth pulp. If there isn’t much tooth structure above the gum line, opt for root canal treatment where a post is placed down the tooth canal to retain the restoration

Swollen gums:

Dead tooth pulp tissue causes acidic waste, leading to swollen gums. You notice gum boils with pus oozing, leaving an unpleasant taste in your mouth. If gums are swollen near a painful tooth, you need root canal treatment.

How will a root canal treatment help you end tooth pain?

How will a root canal treatment help you end tooth pain

Persistent pain is a sign that you need root canal treatment. This is pain deep in the tooth bone or jaw, face, and other teeth. Root canal treatment puts an end to throbbing pain caused by tooth infection.

Damaged tooth pulp breaks down as bacteria multiply within the pulp chamber. An abscess is formed at the tooth root as the infection spreads. The dentist makes a small cut into the abscess to drain out the pus. The area is washed with salt water to reduce the swelling.

Root canal treatment saves the infected tooth and puts an end to tooth pain. Your dentist drills into the tooth, removing the infected tooth pulp and bacteria. The pulp chamber and root canals are sealed. A crown is placed on the tooth in the next visit to protect and restore to its full function.

Root canal treatment removes the root cause of tooth pain. The dentist removes pus and debris which are active causes of tooth decay. Shaping the canals and permanently sealing them prevents reinfection.

People needing root canal treatment are in intense pain and the procedure relieves it. Gums feel a bit sore if an abscess was removed, but the pain goes in a few days. Root canal treatment enjoys a 95% success rate, eliminating tooth pain and retaining natural teeth

Is root canal treatment painful?

Is root canal treatment painful?

Root canal treatment is believed to be painful and people avoid it. In reality, it’s no more painful than a dental filling, with mild pain for a few days. Tooth pain is caused by infection or inflammation and not root canal treatment. The dentist numbs the area with anesthetic which minimizes pain and you feel a little pressure during treatment. Medication and oral hygiene eliminate mild pain felt a few days after root canal treatment.

  • Root canal treatment is not painful. It just relieves pain.
  • Never delay root canal treatment
  • Delaying root canal treatment causes discomfort and spread of infection. The infected root canal if left untreated leads to abscessed teeth, intense pain, and even serious medical problems.
  • Avoiding root canal treatment leads to tooth loss, risk of decay to other teeth, gum disease, and bite problems.
  • Without root canal treatment you suffer tooth pain and sensitivity, making eating food a challenge.
  • Antibiotics alone cannot cure tooth infection. Bacteria may get trapped in the tooth root and root canal treatment stops bacterial tooth infection. 
Thus when you have terrible tooth pain and suspect that you may have a deep dental cavity. It is advised to find the most experienced dentist to perform a painless and best root canal treatment for you.


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